Introduction to Computers

 According to the definition,

A computer is an electronic device that can give output according to Input. It can perform arithmetical and logical operations, store data, Process data, and retrieve data when we need them. 

   why we need a computer?

For better understanding let's take a scenario,
Suppose, I ask you to remember the name, that are Raju, Rahen, and Shayam, It is quite an easy right!.

 Now, I will ask you to tell me your classmate's name, it is also an easy task for you right!

 Now, what if, I ask you to tell me each and every name of students in your school or college, then, It may be difficult for you to answer me and on that note, the computer can provide greate help!

Let's take another scenario, suppose your teacher asks you to solve this -32*95, you can easily do it right!

 But what if she asks you to calculate-
and so on, then you can also solve it but you may need some time to solve it. On that note, the computer came into action.

   From the above, it is now clear that why we need a computer, in Nut sell we can say us need a computer to:-

  •    process data or to get information as fast as possible
  •   To perform a calculation in a fraction of a second accurately

The computer is calculating the device!

  •  The word computer comes from the word computer which means to calculate.
  •  The main objective of inventing the computer was to create a fast calculation.

   so, we can say that a computer is a calculating device that can perform Arithmatices operation in a fraction of a second

A computer is a Data Processor!

What is Data?

Data can be anything. It can be no, it can be a character, Name, etc. Data are raw facts. That means data are something that exists but does not have any meaning or we can say which doesn't make any sense by itself. when multiple data combined and get processed it form some meaning i.e, information.


      What is information?

      When data get a process or combined it form information, in other words, processed data is known as information.

     A computer is known as Data processor Asit stores data, process data and retrieve data whenever desired.
  for Example-- If we want to store data of students then, we can store there
   Name|class| Roll|sec|etc .we can do it for  multiple students . when we combine all these data, it provides students with information and can retrieve it whenever required.

  NOTE:- Processing data means performing manipulation on data.

             Now, we are in the state to know about the characteristics of a computer.

       What are the characteristics of a computer?

(i) Automatic--:  computer is automatic as it can carry out several jobs without any human interference.

(ii) speed--: computers are very fast they can perform billions and even trillions of operations in fractions of a second.

(iii)Accuracy--: Human-made errors but the computer doesn't. A computer can perform every calculation Accurately with great speed.

(iv) Diligence--: when a human works for several hours he/she may get tired and lack can centration but on the other hand, a computer doesn't. A computer is free from tiredness and lack of concentration.

(v) versatility--: computers can perform a wide variety of tasks gracefully.

(vi) Memory--: It can store a huge amount of data and information and retrieve it whenever required.

(vii) No IQ-: computers have zero IQ. They can not take their own decisions and they need to be instructed for further process.

(viii) No feeling--: As with other machines, computers don't have any feelings.

     Points to Remember

  •    The computer is an electronic device that can be used for performing the operation on data, calculating, Animation, etc.
  •  we need computers to make our work faster and easier.
  • The computer is a calculating device as well as a data processor.
  •  Computers have characteristics like Automatic, Speed, Accuracy, Diligence, Versatility, Memory, No IQ, No feelings.