Introduction to C Programming

  • C  is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming. 

  • C was originally developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie between 1972.

  • During the 1980s, C gradually gained popularity. It has become one of the most widely used programming languages.

  • C has been standardized by the ANSI since 1989 (ANSI C) and by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Features of C

The Following features of C are as follows:-

  • Procedural Language.

  • Fast and Efficient.

  • Modularity.

  • Statically Type.

  • General Purpose Language.

  • Rich set of built-in Operators.

  • Libraries with rich Functions.

  • Middle-Level Language.

  • Simple.

  • Machine Independent.


Basic Structure of a C Program

A Normal C program consists of the following parts:-

  • # include <stdio.h> – This command is a preprocessor directive in C that includes all standard input-output files before compiling any C program so as to make use of all those functions in our C program.

  •  int main() – This is the line from where the execution of the program starts. The main() function starts the execution of any C program.

  • { (Opening bracket) – This indicates the beginning of any function in the program (Here it indicates the beginning of the main function).

  • /* some comments */ – Whatever is inside /*——-*/ are not compiled and executed; they are only written for user understanding or for making the program interactive by inserting a comment line. These are known as multiline comments. Single line comments are represented with the help of 2 forward slashes “//——”.

  • getch() – This command helps to hold the screen.

  • return 0 –This command terminates the C program and returns a null value, that is, 0.

  • } (Closing brackets)-  This indicates the end of the function. (Here it indicates the end of the main function)



Example Program:


Int main()


printf(“Hello Everyone”);

return 0;


